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Our schedules at #ssar are packed with some amazing events and activities, making #ssar an amazing camp experience for thousands of students. You can download the SS and JV schedules, which will show you what we have planned for each day when camp begins.

JV Schedule

SS Schedule

What to Bring

Every camp is different, so it’s important to know what you’ll need to bring and what we will provide for you. Super Summer Arkansas is on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

Here’s our suggested list:

  • Bedding: Sleeping bag or sheets/blanket and pillow. One camper from each room should bring a sleeping bag, cot, or air mattress to sleep on.
  • Towels
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.)
  • Casual Clothes (be sure to include dark clothes for recreation)
  • Tennis Shoes, Closed Heel Sandals, or Sandals with Straps for recreation – Flip flops cannot be worn during recreation
  • Bible, along with pen/pencil/journal/notebook
  • Spending money for drinks/snacks/band merchandise


If you prefer, you can download a full listing of items to bring:

Parent Info

Parents, we are excited about having your student at Super Summer this year. To help you (and them) prepare for a great camp experience, we have compiled a list of things that will help you get ready. If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to your youth pastor or contact us at the Super Summer office.

(see also: What to Bring section above)

Parent Info

Youth pastors: you can print off one of our form letters that contains our ‘What to Bring’ List, as well as an area you can fill in to give parents information on where they need to be and when.

Camp Rules

For Super Summer to be a great experience for everyone, following the Camp Rules is imperative. Super Summer relies on the adults who oversee their youth group to enforce the rules within their own youth group.

To help you promote SSAR to your people

Pastor Promotional Video

Student Promotional Video

Promote Super Summer to your people using these logos, brochures, and video downloads

Mobile App

Download our app for iOS and Android to find maps, schedules, rules and lots of other useful info


You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers

Super Summer Arkansas is a camp sponsored by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention, with funding provided by the Cooperative Program. Super Summer Arkansas takes place each summer on the campus of Ouachita Baptist University, in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

It is split into two camps: Super Summer JV, serving campers who have completed 6th-8th grades, and Super Summer, serving campers who have completed 9th-12th grades. Both camps have adult leaders who attend one or both camps as adult chaperones. Every camper is assigned a specific college-aged staffer who will be there to facilitate small group discussions and recreation.

Super Summer JV is for 6th-8th grade students and Senior High is for 9th-12th grade students. These refer to grades just completed, meaning at the time of camp, the JV student will have completed grades 6, 7, or 8 while Senior High students will have just completed grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Registration is done completely online. A church’s youth pastor (or a youth worker working in the place of a youth pastor) must register online and open up a church’s registration before a student or adult can register. Once the youth pastor has given the green light for his church to register, then students and adults can create their own registration account and register from the convenience of their own home or office. At the end of the registration process, you’ll receive a confirmation page. Please work with your church’s youth pastor or group leader to determine how to make payment. (Please note: If your church is conducting its own fund raisers to help subsidize the camp fees, please pay the amount requested by your youth pastor).

During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to list two roommate preferences. These roommates can be from your church or from another church. During the end of the registration process, your youth pastor will be the one to actually make pairings/assignments for your church. Once your youth pastor has made the pairings, they will be submitted to Super Summer. The Super Summer registrars have the authority to change any roommate pairings necessary in order to accommodate the maximum number of students possible. Super Summer makes every effort to work with your church’s youth pastor before making roommate pairing changes

In general, you  may cancel your registration from your account.  Or, your youth pastor can cancel a registration from the church’s account. Cancellation fees may exist depending on date of cancellation.  Please see fee schedule.  The deposits are non-refundable.  Cancellation fees and deposits help us pay for any materials that have already been purchased by Super Summer for you. Eventually, there is a deadline date where we cannot accommodate any refunds to registration charges. Again, please see the registration page for these specific guidelines and dates.

At the beginning of each camp, every student and adult must go through the registration process. Registration is held at the Sturgis Physical Education Center (SPEC) on campus. When you arrive in Arkadelphia, follow the posted Super Summer signs and staffers, and they will help make sure you are in the right place. Our staffers will greet you and your students in the parking lot and help guide you to the right place inside SPEC.

Your students can immediately go to the bleachers in the arena, but the church’s youth pastor must immediately go to the youth pastor check-in table. Signs will be posted to help guide you to the correct place. Once you have checked in with our registrars, they will give you the rest of the information you need to carry on with the registration process.

During registration, you and your students will be given their appropriate teaching assignment, name tag, curriculum, t-shirt, and dorm key. The process for getting your students all the things they need is fairly simple once you arrive on campus. Simply follow the signs, and be sure to ask any of our staffers if you need additional help or have questions.

If you are a youth pastor, when you visit the check-in table, you will have a staffer assigned to help you find your way around campus. Please make sure you indicate to us that you have never been to Super Summer before.

If you are a student, the best way is to find some of our energetic college staffers, or your fellow campers, and ask them where to go. We would also encourage you to download our Super Summer smartphone app which contains a color-coded campus map.

We hope you brought your tent. We have some nice camping spaces reserved just for you–just kidding.

Every camp participant will be housed in one of OBU’s dorm rooms. We have a piece of sophisticated computer software that houses each participant, in accordance with the rooms made available to us by OBU housing. Because of the way Super Summer is designed, it cannot be guaranteed that all of your students will be in the same teaching group or small group. The only people guaranteed to be in the same teaching group are those campers who are rooming together. Housing is designed this way, because it allows groups of 2 or 3 students from one church to make new friends by interacting with up to 5-7 other campers from other churches. During the first night, this may seem a bit odd for shy students, but by the first day’s recreation, campers become best of friends.

Super Summer JV is split into 6 separate groups called “PrimeTimes.” Each PrimeTime group has several executive staff members who serve to teach the curriculum, lead worship, and handle technical equipment.

Super Summer Arkansas is split into 6 separate groups called “Schools,” indicated by a unique color. Blue, Green, Orange, Red, and Yellow are for our 9th-11th grade students. Camo school is reserved specifically for those students who have just completed the 12th grade, as the curriculum and topics of discussion are designed specifically to prepare these students for the upcoming college and workforce years they will be facing. Each school has several executive staff members who serve to teach the curriculum, lead worship, and handle technical equipment.

Each camper will be given a color, which will be posted to our website approximately one week before camp. Campers typically bring clothing or other items related to this color, which they use throughout the week to show “school spirit.” This makes for a great camp atmosphere, but is certainly NOT required.

Recreation is a vital piece of Super Summer, because it encourages team building and builds relationships in ways that no other activity can. Recreation is a series of team-building games designed to get students wet, dirty, and to have fun. Recreation is required for all students, except for those with medical disabilities. Adults are not required to participate.

Student campers will be assigned a college staffer before they even arrive to Super Summer. These staffers arrive to camp and undergo two full days of training before interacting with any students. Each staffer must apply, have two completed references, and go through an interview with one of our executive team members. A background check is conducted by the Arkansas Baptist State Convention before he/she is accepted. These highly qualified students are incredibly excited about serving and encouraging your students while they are at Super Summer. These staffers will facilitate small group discussion times, relating to the material covered in their main teaching sessions, and will be playing the recreation games with them. Our staffers go out of their way to build a bond with your students. The reason many of our staffers have come back to help us is because of the impact a previous staffer had on them when they were a camper.

Changes to these items are handled on an individual basis, but are typically not granted. If you would like to request changing any of these, you must contact your youth pastor, who will then contact Super Summer. Again, once this information has been made public to all campers, these requests are generally not granted, because they impact other students who have already been assigned, as well.

If you did not receive the roommate you requested, please contact your youth pastor.

Housing, curriculum, food, and your t-shirt are covered in the registration charges paid to Super Summer. However, if you wish to purchase items, such as the band’s merchandise, snacks, drinks, or other t-shirts, additional money will be required.